Thursday, April 11, 2013

My cat the hobo

The Cat has a dental appointment today. This means that he was not allowed any food after 8:00 PM last night. His breakfast was supposed to be an hour ago and he is in full on panic mode. 

After 40 minutes of running around meowing and at times making a weird groaning sound as loudly as possible he then decided to come sit on top of me and stare ominously down at me for several minutes. When this did not work he snapped. I mean literally snapped. I saw him change from his normal mildly insane self to full blown off his rocker bat shit crazy in seconds. 
Here is what that looked like:
It's like once he realized that he was not going to be fed this morning he reverted immediately back to his hobo roots. He has been sneaking about the house investigating everything he comes across to see if it is edible. He is putting himself in weird, unsuspecting places and leaping out in anger and insanity at whatever human or animal happens to come by and when he has effectively scared the shit out of them he darts off into the shadows like some confused, disgruntled super hero. He has attempted to do a full on nose dive into the open bag of dog food, has for some reason decided the cord to my phone charger is a good form of sustenance and has made several attempts to pull it right out of my hands. He is creepily following behind Panda (the other cat) and when she turns to look at him he stops and stares her right in the eye until she turns back around, then for whatever reason he ambushes her from behind and either bites her head or smacks her ass. He has successfully made everyone in the house uncomfortable and the dogs refuse to make eye contact with him. He has also tried multiple times to rush out the door when I let the dogs out because he is now entirely convinced that he lives in a house of torture. Because he did not get breakfast.

The other two cats are less phased. Panda being the princess she is does not want anyone aware of how dependent she is on humans. She just comes over and throws all the cute she can muster right in your face until you feel compelled to reward her with food and love and expensive jewels and fuzzy leopard print blankets because she is just so incredibly adorable. Though at this point I think she is more traumatized from being beaten and molested. While the other cat is geriatric and fell asleep 15 minutes after the normal scheduled breakfast time and will forget any of this ever happened when she wakes up. 


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