Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You must think I'm pretty gullible, Pinterest . Well......I probably am.

Sometimes I wonder if the stuff on Pinterest is just a joke someone made up in hopes of people actually doing the stuff they suggest. Rub coffee grounds, baking soda and cinnamon on your legs to get a closer shave! Want to be tan? Just rub a tea bag all over your body! Fuller, thicker head of hair? Eat walnuts and dunk your head into a bucket of mayonnaise! Want a firmer butt? Just sit in a bathtub full of green jello! Want to get rid of acne? rub an old banana covered in cheese on your face!

I just made up the last two. Don't do those things. You'll probably end up with break outs and a green ass. But who is to say the others aren't just made up? Who figures that stuff out anyway? Even if coffee grounds DO help with a smoother shave, who the hell is the person who thought, "I'm out of shaving cream, this coffee will do!"

And the immense feeling of ridiculousness when actually doing these things is almost more than the potential benefit is worth. DIY body wrap? Okay. I am going to get half naked and coat my body from head to toe in a bizarre concoction of kitchen and food items, wrap myself in a Saran Wrap cocoon and then lay in bed under the covers for an hour with the heat blaring.

A. That is incredibly uncomfortable. Did I mention you're in a SARAN WRAP COCOON?

B. people pay for this for a reason. While I am all for saving a dollar something tells me that my makeshift body wrap that is dripping all over the floor, falling off and has just made a mess of my bed with body oils and sweat is nothing close to the real, professional thing.

And C. You better hope no one comes home, or knocks on your door. You feel enough shame when your animals look at you like you are some sort of swamp creature who ate their real parents, but what the hell are you going to say when your husband walks in in the middle of the day and you're laying in bed covered in weird oils and herbs and such, wrapped tightly in Saran Wrap and towels, under 6 blankets with a portable heater in front of you?

Your only options are to claim a heavy bout of day drinking and a Project Runway Marathon, or possibly sexual role playing. If he's into Dexter the Saran Wrap might help. In either case it probably sounds better than "Pinterest told me to."

And then afterward you realize you just spent like three hours (five hours if you count from the time you sat at the computer just to check email and some how ended up on Pinterest staring at pictures of food for two hours and stumbled upon this idea to begin with) on this "DIY" body wrap and it did absolutely nothing for you. Then you shamefully clean yourself up and curse Pinterest and go do something productive to make yourself feel better. But it's okay, because Pinterest is like an abusive relationship and you just can't stay away, so you'll find yourself back on it later that day and end up making a facial mask of honey, Pepto Bismol, and aspirin before you go to bed, because Pinterest told you to.


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